
IWG is a leader in Electrical and Mechanical Automation Technology installations. If you're shipping a package or buying from online retailers like Amazon, UPS, Target, Wal-Mart, Urban Outfitters, Nordstrom & Coca-Cola your product has most likely been processed on one of our conveyor system installations.
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Robotics has become one of the most exciting fields of the decade. Having the latest technology at your jobsite can make a world of difference. From basic construction to chipset manufacturers, our customers include BMW, Tesla, Daimler, Mercedes Benz, Coca-Cola, Kia, Magna and Volvo.
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When you choose a steel industrial solution, you also need to have the people to keep the wheels greased. Our Project Management Team possess the skillset to make the final pieces of your puzzle fit.  Customers include UPS, Urban Outfitters, Pepsi and ZF Transmissions.
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Project Management

There is a saying within our Industry, "There's no problem IWG cannot solve".  When you need people with experience who understand, IWG is your Solution. IWG is here for you. 
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Next Steps...

Services, Automation, Robotics, Site Management, Consultation, Project Management.... We can help